Turtle race challenge

Today we got introduced to a brand new site called Repl.it. This website makes it so you can learn to use real code instead of just putting blocks together. This code is hard to learn but a lot easier if you have done turtle art before. I use python with turtle coding language so that I have turtle art with it too.

The project that I was assigned to do was to make the turtles race and go a certain distance but make the race randomized everytime. I made it so each of the turtles will go forward between 5 and 1 then the next turtle will go between 5 and 1 forward.

This is the link to my project.

Turtle Maze challenge

I used Repl.it again to try to solve a turtle maze challenge. I was not able to complete this challenge but I got super close multiple times. This challenge randomizes a maze for you to complete. I found the best strategy to be when you bounce off the wall or go back to the wall on the side and use basically the same code that you did before to move on again.

This is the code to copy and paste so that you can try to complete this by yourself.

Begin Copy here

import turtleimport random
r1 = random.randint(20,700)t1 = (800-r1)/2 r2 = random.randint(20,700)t2 = (800-r2)/2 r3 = random.randint(20,700)t3 = (800-r3)/2 r4 = random.randint(20,700)t4 = (800-r4)/2 r5 = random.randint(20,700)t5 = (800-r5)/2 r6 = random.randint(20,700)t6 = (800-r6)/2 r7 = random.randint(20,700)t7 = (800-r7)/2 r8 = random.randint(20,700)t8 = (800-r8)/2 r9 = random.randint(20,700)t9 = (800-r9)/2 randomr = [r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8]randomt = [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8] turtle.speed(0)turtle.up()turtle.goto(-400,350)turtle.down() for i in range(7): turtle.forward(randomr[i]) turtle.up() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.down() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(randomr[i]) turtle.up() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.down() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(r9)turtle.up()turtle.forward(t9)turtle.down()turtle.forward(t9)turtle.left(90)turtle.forward(800) turtle.up()turtle.goto(-400,350)turtle.down()turtle.back(600)turtle.up()turtle.color(“red”)turtle.shape(“turtle”)turtle.goto(-400,380)turtle.right(90)turtle.pendown()

# You simply have to beat the maze# You are not allowed to change code above, go round the outside, teleport etc.# This challenge was made by a year 9 girl!# Start coding the solution below.# You can use lists & variables above to help.

End copy Here

My winter project

I was assigned to do a winter project by using repl.it. This website uses actual coding and you can do things such as python code but with turtle art. For this project I used repl to make snowflakes but based upon the amount that you want. Yes that is right you can put as many snowflakes as you want into it and the turtle will draw them for you!(Unless you crash it for putting in too big of a number like I have before.) Here is the link to the project.

The Solar System but with 2 planets…

For this turtle art project I made the solar system with only 2 planets. My main goal for this was just to make some planets with stars in the background. I never even thought to myself for a moment that I would gradient the planets. The hardest part in this project was either the gradient or the randomized stars. For the stars I used a block that randomized the x and y axis placing stars wherever it wanted. I worked 20 minutes on just finding the correct way to use the randomize for set xy. The other hard part was the gradient. I made the gradient by placing circles inside of other circles and changing the shade each time that it placed another circle. This link shows the project in action. Here is a picture of the action blocks and the finished project.

This project was also inspired by 2 other projects the first project is eclipse. The reason that I was inspired by it was because it gave me the thought of space. I looked around for other projects and found snow fall. I realized that the snow could be modified a bit to become stars. Eclipse was also helpful because of the gradient which also gave me the idea for the 2 planets to be gradient.

My name in turtle art

In this project I wrote my name in turtle art. The biggest challenge of all was definitely finding out the correct angle and correct arc. This was the hardest because if I went just 1 angle over or under it would not connect properly. When I finally got it sometimes it messed with other parts of the code so I had to go back and fix those. This project took me 1 class period but another 3ish to perfect it. I learned how to use action blocks which make it so your code can fit into one tiny block. In the picture below you can see that each letter has its own action block. This will be used a lot in the next project (hint hint).

The e is very big because I fooled around with the arc for a long time and could not find the correct size that fit with my code.

My Turtle Art Project

This turtle art project makes the turtle move forward whenever you press the mouse button. The turtle changes colors to make the line behind it rainbow. This project took me a short amount of time. The challenge was changing the color behind the turtle. The other things were easy for me because I have used scratch a lot of times. Click here for the link to test the project out.

https://turtle.sugarlabs.org/index.html?id=1598891858144405&run=True Sorry for the bad coloration you should be able to see it if you look closely. The block below the forever is a if then else block.