Turtle Maze challenge

I used Repl.it again to try to solve a turtle maze challenge. I was not able to complete this challenge but I got super close multiple times. This challenge randomizes a maze for you to complete. I found the best strategy to be when you bounce off the wall or go back to the wall on the side and use basically the same code that you did before to move on again.

This is the code to copy and paste so that you can try to complete this by yourself.

Begin Copy here

import turtleimport random
r1 = random.randint(20,700)t1 = (800-r1)/2 r2 = random.randint(20,700)t2 = (800-r2)/2 r3 = random.randint(20,700)t3 = (800-r3)/2 r4 = random.randint(20,700)t4 = (800-r4)/2 r5 = random.randint(20,700)t5 = (800-r5)/2 r6 = random.randint(20,700)t6 = (800-r6)/2 r7 = random.randint(20,700)t7 = (800-r7)/2 r8 = random.randint(20,700)t8 = (800-r8)/2 r9 = random.randint(20,700)t9 = (800-r9)/2 randomr = [r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8]randomt = [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8] turtle.speed(0)turtle.up()turtle.goto(-400,350)turtle.down() for i in range(7): turtle.forward(randomr[i]) turtle.up() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.down() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(randomr[i]) turtle.up() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.down() turtle.forward(randomt[i]) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(40) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(r9)turtle.up()turtle.forward(t9)turtle.down()turtle.forward(t9)turtle.left(90)turtle.forward(800) turtle.up()turtle.goto(-400,350)turtle.down()turtle.back(600)turtle.up()turtle.color(“red”)turtle.shape(“turtle”)turtle.goto(-400,380)turtle.right(90)turtle.pendown()

# You simply have to beat the maze# You are not allowed to change code above, go round the outside, teleport etc.# This challenge was made by a year 9 girl!# Start coding the solution below.# You can use lists & variables above to help.

End copy Here

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